according to ESPN,supposedly,there is a settlement offer to suspended New Orleans Saints' linebacker Jonathan Vilma to get him to drop his defamation lawsuit,against NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell... only thing that is known that there is another settlement conference in front of U.S. District Court Judge Helen G. Berrigan,on Thursday... the offer would be eight games,not entire year... problem is the report is being denied by the NFL,as being,"totally inaccurate",and that Vilma really wants to clear his reputation cleared,and have his suspension cleared,and vacated by Judge Berrigan... i honestly take this report with a serious grain of salt,because Vilma has stunk up the joint,saying that he is innocent,period,and to admit to any wrongdoing,now,would shut him up,but it would tell the public,that the NFL was right,all along,in suspending him... Vilma will be shown to be a real blowhard,and someone who would do anything to get on the field,for the 2012-2013 NFL season...
my opinion:Vilma has claimed total innocence,and has acted like a total superior "diva",in saying that he did nothing wrong... he would be a total fool,to accept the supposed offer,if it is true...
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