Tuesday, May 26, 2015

a strange night,indeed...

this is a very strange night... again can not sleep... that is not the strange part... things this week are just odd... i am listening to country music that reminded of some people who are always in my heart,but memories are too strong to get any sleep... after a shower that i thought would do the trick,in helping me sleep,i turned on my satellite radio,and here i am,typing this note to everyone but no one,if you know what i mean... my family and my deep loving memories are just flooding through my head,and i miss them every day... what in the world triggered them??? an very odd thing... my old microwave oven blew out a couple of weeks ago,so i have been cooking with pots and pans,and strangely,a friend was remodeling his kitchen,he got tired of the color scheme,then he asked his girlfriend(my best friend),if she needed a microwave... she said no,but then he asked if she knew someone who needed one,and she remembered that i needed one,because of the blown out microwave that occurred a couple of weeks ago,and so,as he bought a new one,he gave his seven month old microwave to me,yesterday... i have a family who would absolutely give you the shirts off their backs,and that is something that my entire family would do... i am a person who has a very deep love for my family,and friends,but get me mad,i am the one person in the family who has the nastiest edge,and i truly do not look like i could hurt a fly,and normally you would be absolutely right,but folks,i simply learned a long time ago not to take any guff from anyone,and yet,being "on the road" teaches you that you need to survive,and honestly,i tried to avoid the fighting,but folks,i kicked some mean backside,literally in the streets,or places that you normally do not fight,like downtown Reno,where i judo-flipped a guy onto the hood of a car,when he wanted to beat up "on the cripple",in line for shelter that night... i learned self-defense from a former Green Beret,while living up in Reno,and one time,i even fought in the middle of a street in Sacramento,where they had to stop traffic,to stop me from kicking this guy's backside(i did anyway)... received a nasty black eye,but the guy ran off like a scolded dog,on his banged up bike,after trying to bully me... i honestly do not like to fight,but when you are the size that i am,and slightly disabled,i truly fight like a rabid dog,and do not care what i have to do to survive... that is what i mean by saying that i have the nastiest edge,in the family... normally,i am the nicest person,but i know that i have seen the other side of myself,and to tell the truth,it is simply not too pretty,but again,honestly,i would not change a thing about myself,folks...

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