Wednesday, March 2, 2016

memories of my childhood,and of a visit years later...

i am thinking about my childhood... being a child in Salinas,and mostly in Bakersfield,was a very nice time for me... most of my memories happen to be of the house on Holtby(250 Holtby),and of my elementary school... really the last time i saw the house was a number of years ago,it was painted black,or a deep,deep shade of gray,and the backyard was all torn up;looked like someone had set house(at least the backyard)on fire,because the grass was not there,and the ground was blackened,in the backyard... i walked away very sad... it is strange that sometimes the memories are better than reality,but thinking back i was a kid,you know... i remember a very sad birthday(i was eight),when i forgot to invite anyone to my birthday,and cried all day,but i,honestly,did not blame anyone,but myself,for that mistake... however,i will never forget what my brother did that day,when i tried to climb into the "treehouse",to join his friends,that day... he pushed me off the tilted ladder at the top of it,and i smashed my head into the ground... what a very sad memory of that day...

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