Tuesday, February 9, 2016


i have been talking a lot about my family,lately... my family is unique:a bunch of people who are individualist in nature,but in trouble,or pain,they get together like glue,and paper(not talking about the strength of that,but the tightness,and being a close knit unit)... one under attack,all come to rescue,and they are one unit... some people are very unique people in general,and others are very quiet,in nature,but one under attack,they are all like guard dogs,snapping and snarling their jaws,ready for a fight... it is odd that a blended family can be so close knit,but it is fact... some of the family,in some ways,are simply unknown,in terms of being themselves... they keep to themselves,and are private people,but they are members of a family that are stronger than diamond,when need be... i hate to admit this,but i may be the one person that you honestly do not want to mess with,because i have seen the dark side of myself,and i am not afraid to unleash that on people who believe that i am a easy mark to mess with... i may be very very nice to people,but when angered(and i do not mean just pissed off;i mean really,really upset),i am a devious person,who honestly thinks of weird ways to get even with scumbags... to family and dear friends,they honestly have no problem in seeing that(they will not see that),because they are family in the best way,and they are people who i care for,folks...  honestly,i have been that way only a very,very few times;very quiet(saying not a peep),and burning eyes,in my life... i was "on the road" for a decade,and honestly,i have had to be that way more than a few times,simply to protect myself,but that,in my thoughts,is different than the previous statement... being mugged,and robbed fourteen times,in that span of time means that you have to protect yourself... well,you get the point... i guarantee that you really do not want to mess with yours truly,because i am the meanest SOB in a real fight(i do not mean one punch and done,folks)... i mean that i will not quit,until the other person is down on the ground,bleeding,or they just quit themselves... however,i honestly have met one or two people,who are people who have told me after one punch to walk away or else,because they really are the toughest people that i ever have met in my entire life... funny thing is that,after that one punch,we usually became friends,because we both knew that we would not back down from a fight,and had a real grudging respect for each other... (like someone in a foxhole,having your back)...

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