Friday, May 25, 2012


this off-season,i have hammered the New Orleans Saints' organization pretty good,and i do not regret anything that i have said... however,what got me pissed off about the team was not the team itself... it was the holier-than-thou attitude,of the executives,coaches,and the players involved,in the "bounty" scandal,and the simple fact that they just would not shut up about their "so-called" innocence,and then players who had no idea if the players involved were innocent,or guilty,put their two cents in,proclaiming that the NFL had no proof,in suspending the executives,coaches,and players... honestly,there was,and is a report on the "bounty" scandal,done by NFL security,and it took three seasons,to investigative the scandal,because people cheated,lied about,and obstructed the investigation...
now after the fines,lost draft picks,and suspensions,of executives,coaches,and finally,the players involved,and giving everyone in the NFL a black eye,the main players involved,are still proclaiming their innocence... the NFLPA,is trying to literally gut NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell of the powers given to him,in the current collective bargaining agreement,and suspended New Orleans' player Jonathan Vilma is trying to make Goodell out to be a liar,and scoundrel,in a defamation lawsuit,in federal court... one question,Jonathan Vilma,and the NFLPA,why did it take three seasons for the NFL to investigative this scandal,and not just a few months,and if it was only in New Orleans,why then were the reports also coming out,of Buffalo,and Washington(under Gregg Williams-a few players did mention that to NFL security)?... if the players were innocent,why did the players get suspended various stretches of games?... why did Peyton Manning get his neck twisted,during an Indianapolis Colts/Washington Redskins game(to many people,that was the start of his neck problems)?... that day,Manning went off the field,with a numb arm,but returned after halftime... by the way,there is video of that arm numbing twist of his neck... the one common person in both scenarios-Gregg Williams... i am basically saying that there was something wrong in those years,in New Orleans,and i am tired of hearing of the innocence("i did not do it")defense,because someone did something wrong,and it took over three years to flush out,into the public,and it is in the NFL security report on the scandal... so,NFLPA,and Jonathan Vilma,just shut up,and stop trying to be "saintly" in this mess,because no one in the Saints' organization,or the black eye given to the NFL,looks good in this situation,period... JUST PLAY FOOTBALL!!!! OK!!

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